
Found 8 Articles tagged as diagnostics

CBC/Blood Chemistries

CBC Complete Blood Count (CBC) evaluates hydration status, anemia, infection, blood clotting ability, immune system, some bleeding disorders, or other unseen abnormalities. Testing is essential …

Sedation & Anesthesia

Our specialists and veterinarians design the safest sedation/anesthesia plan based upon each patient’s individual needs. Sedation/anesthesia enables our doctors to conduct procedures with minimal anxiety …

Contrast Studies

A variety of contrast studies are available; each utilizing a contrast agent.  After administration of the contrast agent, a series of diagnostic images are then …

Computer-Aided Tomography (CAT) Scan

Also referred to as computed axial tomography and computer-aided tomography, a CT scan uses a narrow X-ray beam that circles around one part of your …

Echocardiogram (echo)

Also referred to as an echocardiogram or cardiac ultrasound, an echo is a painless, non-invasive procedure that uses sound waves to take pictures of the …


Also known as sonography, ultrasound scanning is a non-invasive form of diagnostic imaging that uses sound waves to provide a real-time view of organs which …

Radiographs (Xrays)

Our digital radiography can be viewed and fully evaluated within seconds.

The Difference an X-ray Can Make

Griffin is a 3-year-old Rottweiler cross. He came to the Veterinary Specialty Centre Emergency on a Saturday night. Griffin’s owner said he wasn’t himself all …