Veterinary Specialty Centre of Newfoundland & Labrador 709-221-7838

Sedation & Anesthesia

Our specialists and veterinarians design the safest sedation/anesthesia plan based upon each patient’s individual needs. Sedation/anesthesia enables our doctors to conduct procedures with minimal anxiety or discomfort to the patient.


Potential risks of sedation/anesthesia are minimized by thoroughly examining the patient beforehand. Physical examination, review of medical history, laboratory tests, and possibly other diagnostics are considered when designing protocols. Sedation and/or anesthetics are only administered after a patient has been cleared for the procedure. Throughout the procedure, the patient is continuously monitored for safety and comfort. The type or amount of anesthetic is tailored for each patient. Following sedation/anesthesia, patients recover in our Intensive Care Unit where they are monitored continuously.

Before the appointment

FoodThe night before admission, your pet must not have any food after 8:00 pm (unless otherwise instructed). Note: if your pet is very young or has another medical condition (i.e., diabetes), please inform us when you are booking your appointment. Our doctors will provide special fasting instructions for pets with diabetes.

Water: Your pet may have water up to one hour before coming to the hospital.

Pre-anesthetic testing

Pre-anesthetic testing can include laboratory testing and even diagnostic imaging. Seemingly healthy pets can have serious organ system problems that could cause procedural or anesthetic complications. Discovery of a minor medical problem will allow the veterinarian to adjust the sedation/anesthesia or IV fluids during your pet’s procedure, while detection of a serious problem may lead to postponement of the procedure until your pet’s condition is treated. Even a simple bacterial or viral infection may pose enough risk to warrant a postponement. Older and/or ill pets may require additional testing.

Intravenous (IV) fluids may be provided. Benefits include shorter recovery time, protection for kidneys, and the ability to rapidly and efficiently administer drugs if required.