
Found 19 Articles in Procedural Guides

What to Expect on Blood Donation Day

Upon arrival, our client service representative will register you and your pet in our medical record system. Then a registered technician will meet with you, …

Terms & Conditions

We aim to educate our clients on our expectations, policies, and processes. We encourage clients to also read our Client Preparation Guide. Timely Services We make …

Urine Testing

Testing your pet’s urine can provide information about the kidneys, bladder, liver, pancreas, and other organs. Testing may be repeated in intervals (days or weeks) …


The decision to euthanize a pet is hard; however, knowing available options can prevent further distress on both you and your pet. Talk to your …

Blood Transfusions for Cats & Dogs

Blood Transfusions for Dogs Collected blood is stored as whole blood or used immediately after collection as fresh whole blood. Whole blood can be stored …

Surgical Procedures

Our specialists and veterinarians will review available options with the patient’s family and make recommendations based upon each patient’s individual needs. Our goal is a …

Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO)

Following cranial (or anterior) cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture in the stifle (knee) joint of dogs, the stifle becomes unstable with weight-bearing, allowing the tibia to …

Patellar Luxation

The patella is a small bone at the front of the stifle (knee joint). A luxation, or dislocation, is when the patella slips out of …

Fracture Treatment

Treatment and outlook depends on the fracture type – some are straightforward and others complex, necessitating considerable orthopedic instrumentation, implants, and expertise. With correct planning …

Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture

The cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) inside the stifle (knee) joint stabilizes the stifle during weight-bearing and prevents the tibia from moving forwards relative to the …

Pain Management

Pain can be categorized in many ways, depending on where and why it is occurring. As a general rule, think of how you would feel.  …

CBC/Blood Chemistries

CBC Complete Blood Count (CBC) evaluates hydration status, anemia, infection, blood clotting ability, immune system, some bleeding disorders, or other unseen abnormalities. Testing is essential …